Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Lets help unite the powerful women of the world to our cause!

I was looking through the candidates for president and without getting too political, I found that Senator Hillary Clinton is taking a really strong stance on issues involving women. I e-mailed her camp about what steps, if any are being taken to improve the situation in Thailand and across the world. If you would like to e-mail her, here is the page to do it. I think that Hillary would be a great person to be an advocate for the Women of Purpose groups all over our nation. I would like to start e-mailing powerful women like Oprah, Martha, Hillary and others who may be interested in our mission. I will keep you informed on how to contact these women coming up!


Lynne said...

I love your passion Corrie! Going after powerful women is a great idea. I would love to see this pool of women also just share stories with someone else in their sphere of influence.

marisabutterworth said...

Corrie - This is great! Thanks for doing this. I love that you went here with this. I hadn't even thought about contacting women in power. Thanks for writing about this!

neely said...

Just heard Hillary at the HIV summit at Saddleback church and she mentioned women issues and toughing laws on sex trafficking.

corrieeyejot said...

Neely, that is so great to hear, thank you for the comment!